Rachelle DeMichele - Life Coach & Acupuncturist - Licensed by the Texas Medical Board
What happens in an acupuncture Session?
Just as each patient is unique, each session is just as unique. With that being said, there is a similar cadence to each session. It usually starts with us sitting together discussing your history, and exploring what is happening in your body, mind and spirit to get at the root of your discomfort. For further clarification I will use Oriental medicine diagnostics such as feeling your pulse, looking at your tongue and palpating areas of your body. Once the goal of the session is determined we will proceed with an acupuncture treatment on a chair or table. When you are settled I will leave the room for a while allowing you to relax with the needles in place before returning to remove them. Depending on your needs I may also make nutritional, lifestyle and/or herbal recommendations.
What happens in an Emotional/Life coaching Session?
Utilizing IFS (Internal Family Systems), Hakomi and my counseling education to help explore your internal parts that may be holding you back, causing pain or keeping you from enjoying your life to the fullest. Every struggle is a gift because it shows where the trail to change begins. Every session is tailored to your needs overall and in each moment, often times experimental or experiential exercises are involved. This session does not include body work or acupuncture, but you can combine life coaching sessions with acupuncture to work on the physiological aspects involved as well.
Service offerings​
Free: 10 minute phone consultation to help you determine if this is the right direction for you.
Acupuncture: New Client initial intake and session 90 minutes $160 ​
30 minute in depth consultation followed by a 45 minute acupuncture or cupping session.
Acupuncture Established client acupuncture session 50 minutes $115
10 minute consult on changes since the last session followed by a 40 minute acupuncture session.​
Emotion/Life Coaching (in person or virtual)
1 hour session $130
90 minute session: $180
2 hour session $245
Add on acupuncture session following life coaching 50 minutes $115
Brief emotion/life coaching session with acupuncture 90 minutes $160
30 minutes IFS and Hakomi informed coaching followed by 45 minute acupuncture session
30 minute cupping session for established clients $65
What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)
IFS is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal.
IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts.
What is Hakomi?
The Hakomi method is a body-centered, loving approach to bringing awareness to unconscious aspects of ourselves, including the hidden core beliefs shaping our lives, relationships, and self-images. It integrates the mindfulness found in Eastern traditions with a unique Western psychological methodology. As we become aware of these core beliefs tied our pain (both physical an emotional) we can begin to rewrite the script and find a way to walk a new path in face of the habitual. I combine Hakomi with acupuncture to release these stored beliefs from the body, mind and spirit. https://hakomiinstitute.com/about/the-hakomi-method
What is acupuncture & how does it work?
Acupuncture is based on a theory that the body has energies and substances flowing through channels (much like the circulatory and lymphatic system). When the flow of these channels is balanced the body will be in health, but when there is blockage, weakness or disruption of the flow, disease and pain will set in. Acupuncture utilizes needles inserted at specific points to affect the flow of these channels in order to restore balance and allow the body to heal. Scientific studies have shown acupuncture to have effects on the nervous system, releasing neurotransmitters in the brain, reducing inflammation, and increasing the circulation of blood and body fluids.
How should I prepare for a treatment?
Please try to wear or bring comfortable clothing to your treatment. This will allow me access to the acupuncture points with ease, and help you to feel relaxed. Please try to avoid eating a heavy meal or skipping a meal before coming to your appointment.
Is acupuncture painful?
Acupuncture utilizes very thin needles that many people don’t feel at all. At times there is some sensation when the needle is inserted or manipulated, but generally this sensation is not painful. On rare occasion a person will be unusually sensitive to the needles in which case we can use non insertive techniques such as acupressure, moxibustion, or qigong to stimulate the acupuncture points. Typically, acupuncture has a very calming and relaxing effect.
How many treatments will I need?
Most patients will notice a difference immediately or at least within the first couple of treatments, however significant and sustained healing can take more time. Depending on the nature of the health concern and the individual response, a you may require anywhere from five to twenty-five treatments or more to achieve the goal of the treatment plan. Acute conditions tend to resolve more quickly with an intensive series of treatments. Whereas, chronic conditions may require a longer and more consistent series of treatments. The number of required treatments will also be determined by the severity and cause of the health concern. Once significant changes have been made, maintenance treatments may or may not be required. Depending on the particular condition and the patient's age, this may result in a treatment every one to three months to prevent a relapse of symptoms.
What is Moxibustion?
Moxabustion therapy involves burning dried mugwort ("Moxa") to warm specific acupuncture points, channels or areas of the body in order to facilitate flow of blood and qi. The warmth from moxa can penetrate the body deeply to affect pain that may not easily be reached by a needle alone. It is well known for being used to turn breach babies, and is often very effective in treating certain types of arthritis. Moxabustion may or may not be indicated for your specific problem. I will let you know if it is needed and explain further how it is to be used.
What is cupping?
Cupping utilizes glass or plastic cups along with fire or a hand pump to create suction when applied to the body. This can bring stagnant blood and fluids to the surface facilitating healing of the area and can often times relax tightened muscles. Most people enjoy the feel of cupping and some patients have commented that it “feels like a massage from the inside out”. Cupping typically leaves non painful red marks on the skin which generally fades within a week. If cupping is indicated for your treatment, your practitioner will explain the details further.
Will I need to take herbs?
Often times acupuncture combined with herbal treatment will facilitate more effective and rapid healing. Depending on the illness being treated, herbal therapy may simply enhance the healing process or it may be vital to a successful outcome . I will advise you on how much of an impact herbs can have in your specific situation and allow you to chose whether or not to take them. Herbs can be taken as a liquid tincture, a powder to be dissolved in water, in pill form, or decocted whole as a tea. The cost of a week's supply of herbs ranges from $10-$30.
What ailments can acupuncture treat?
Chronic and Acute Pain
Injuries, headaches, neck and back pain, tendonitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia
Neurological Disorders
Post-stroke recovery, Bell's Palsy & Trigeminal Neuralgia, movement disorders
Upper Respiratory Disorders
Asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat, laryngitis, colds and flu.
Digestive Disorders
Irritable bowel, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, ulcers
Urinary and Reproductive Disorders
Cystitis, menstrual cramps, irregular or heavy periods, infertility, menopausal symptoms.
Immune Function
Recurrent infections, supportive treatment fo cancer and AIDS patients.
Addictions to nicotine, alcohol, drugs, eating disorders
Mental/Emotional Disorders
Depression, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD